Saturday, August 7, 2010


Weekends are always fun, majority looks forward for the weekends to come. By the way,  I never had weekends off for four consecutive weeks now, but today is the last day of work for me, oh! let me mention that my shift actually changes every week. Which I think is not good because there is a good chance of missing a schedule if you are not careful. Well, moving on, my shift this week since first day started 10pm and ends at 8am. I'm so into the weekend mood, when I woke up at 4pm earlier, watched a little talk shows and showbiz buzz on TV. 
 It was indeed a lazy Saturday afternoon, I went up to my room to check  my Facebook and chatted with some friends, it was past 6pm that I went down to cook for dinner. We usually have dinner early. But again, it is the weekend so I was dragging myself. 
At 8pm I was glued to the sofa, watching Claudine Barreto and Mark Anthony's episode in Claudine's show. I remembered leaving my phone in my room, but didn't bother to get it, since I'm not really expecting a call...hubby had called already earlier, telling me he might not be able to call nor have access to the net for the next 10 or 12 days. I went ahead to my room, where my phone and laptop were. Only to find out, that I missed 5 calls already, the number was unregistered, so I got curious. I found out when I opened my computer that it was a call from my team mate, Jeng, she was trying to reach me to remind me of my shift, I am supposed to be her reliever....
So I logged in right away, and found out that I was late for more than an hour.  My TL actually made changes and switched it to 8pm instead of 10pm the time she plotted my schedules... which I find really odd, I was thinking that my shift changes weekly, but not. Normally, I would be happy to be given more time to work because it means, more work load equals more money, however not this time.
I was hating myself for being so careless...There's never an excuse for my carelessness and in the kind of work I do, there's no excuse for being tardy. I immediately logged in, explained my story to my boss. I am just glad that I am not tagged late, because Jeng my team mate extended a few hours and covered for me, which I am grateful! With what happened, I made a mental note to always check my schedule, I have the access to it all the time. I can even access it in my phone. It would be really stupid to miss work because I overlooked the schedules plotted!

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